2011年3月20日 星期日

U.S., hundreds of cities will lose!

"Rising sea levels in hundreds of cities along U.S. coastlines will lose about 10 percent of their land area by 2100, finds new research led by University of Arizona scientists. The research is the first analysis of vulnerability to sea level rise that includes every U.S. coastal city in the lower 48 with a population of 50,000 or more. Cities along the Gulf of Mexico and southern Atlantic coasts such as Miami, New Orleans, Tampa and Virginia Beach will be particularly hard hit, the researchers discovered." (ENS)

Followed this discovery, at three meters (9.8 feet), on average more than 20 percent of land in those cities could be affected. Nine large cities, including Boston and New York, would have more than 10 percent of their current land area threatened. By six meters, about one-third of the land area in U.S. coastal cities could be affected.

Low-lying New York City is vulnerable to sea level rise.

The low-lying city of Tampa, Florida is predicted to experience sea level rise.
"According to the most recent sea level rise science, that's where we're heading," said lead researcher Jeremy Weiss, a senior research specialist in the University of Arizona's Department of Geosciences. "Impacts from sea-level rise could be erosion, temporary flooding and permanent inundation."(ENS)


