1. Tourists’ safety can be linked to unfavorable conditions( or weather). Those conditions can be linked to transportation delays, cancellations and accidents.
2. The loss of beach area needs higher costs to protect and maintain waterfronts.
3. High tide and an increasing sea level will lead to more frequent extreme events of coastal inundation and flooding.
"Sea level rise has a direct impact on decisions. Some resorts are become less attractive, other destinations may become more attractive. Some tourist destinations are extremely vulnerable to climate change. The Maldives are a good example. It is exists a very fine balance between the environment and human activity. Any further increase in sea level, resulting from a continued warming trend, will threaten not only tourism but the very existence of the islands" (WWF)
Environmental changes are fundamental importance for tourism. Understanding these changes is a first step towards managing them and adapting to new circumstances!
Let's protect our Earth and never reach the end of the world!
Tourism Research